Selected Families and Individuals


Rev Christian Landis Hess

1A Geneology of the Hess Family 1536-1998, Register Report created by Leister Production, Inc., pg. 14.
"A Geneology of the Hess Family 1536-1998.".

Amos D. Wenger

1James Willis Kendig, M.D., Decendants of Adam Kendig and Alice Kendig of Conestoga Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Mennoninte Heritage, Volume 26, Number 2. April 2003.

2James Willis Kendig, M.D., Decendants of Adam Kendig and Alice Kendig of Conestoga Township, Lancaster County.

Anna May Lehman

1James Willis Kendig, M.D., Decendants of Adam Kendig and Alice Kendig of Conestoga Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Mennoninte Heritage, Volume 26, Number 2. April 2003.

2James Willis Kendig, M.D., Decendants of Adam Kendig and Alice Kendig of Conestoga Township, Lancaster County.